All types of businesses are invited to learn from professionals in the fields of energy efficiency, water conservation, recycling
and more. Will County offers semi-annual half-day seminars with business speakers that offer information on rebates and other ways to make $8,000 - $16,000 more annually through energy and related cost savings.
Government buildings last a long time, 50 years on average. Buildings use a tremendous amount of energy and require routine maintenance.
Over the years, Will County has been improving their many and varied buildings to make them more energy efficient, increase recycling and reduce water consumption. Businesses, schools and home owners may find the initiatives undertaken in a variety of buildings from offices to a garage to the county nursing home, inspiring and reproducible.
On the following pages, information on installing a green roof, low flow toilets, T-8 fluorescent lights, high efficiency hand dryers, a cool roof and much more is provided.