Green Business Seminars
Make Money by Greening Your Restaurant
Every business, regardless of size, learns ways to cut costs while becoming more sustainable. Various speakers and exhibitors explain a variety of ways to save money through maintenance, repair, replacement, rebates, performance contracting, waste reduction and recycling. Discover things your are already doing and easy steps to implement that save you more.
Past Event - included Electronic Recycling for Businesses
Wednesday March 21, 2012

Joliet Junior College, Main T, 1002
1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet
$15 per person if paid by 3/20; $20 per person at door
1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet
Pay with a credit card by calling 815-774-3321 by 3/20/12
Pay with a check by mailing it by 3/14 to 58 E. Clinton Street, Joliet,IL 60432
Half-Day Seminar Schedule:
7:30 Registration
ELECTRONIC Recycling for Businesses (provided by Vintage Tech)
Continental Breakfast
Networking and visiting Exhibitors
8:15 Welcome Address: County Executive Larry Walsh
8:30 Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program
(Kristen Van Kley & Meena Beyer presenting)

9:00 SEDAC (Smart Energy Design Assistance Center) provides free energy audits
(Ben Silwinski, Technical Director, presenting)
9:30 Exhibitor Introductions:
Resource Solutions Group, Nicor rebates, ComEd rebates,
Berner Plumbing distributer of Rinnai tankless natural gas saving heaters,
Go Green Light Solutions effeciency upgrades,
Eco Lab cleaning green, Sysco green supply options,
Nexant pioneering energy solutions,
USatori Ener Veteran Energy,
Waste Management offering recycling collection options,
Will County Health Dept greening wihin the Health Code,
Will-South Cook Soil & Water Conservation District landscaping to save water,
Compost Supply secondary market for food waste & compostable serving supplies
10:00 Mahoney Environmental provides grease collection and recycling services
(Jim Schmieder presenting)
10:30 Fluorecycle: Recycling Options for Fluorescent Lights
(CEO Lenny Worth presenting)
11:00 Electrical Solutions Network provides energy efficiency upgrades to restaurants
(Terry Smith presenting)
11:30 Denny's Makes $500 a month on electric - learn how you can, too!
(Owner of Denny's in Mokena and Joliet, Joey Terrell, presenting)
Click this hotlink to Register (Questions, call 815-774-4343)
Businesses that work in the areas of heating, cooling, roofing, windows, lighting, landscaping, recycling, energy auditing and alternative energy are invited to staff a booth for a fee of $35. Click this hotlink to Register as an Exhibitor! (Questions, call 815-774-4343)
This program is being offered in partnership with Joliet Junior College, Will County and the Joliet Area Chamber of Commerce. The intention of this event is to save businesses money through promoting sustainable, economic and environmentally beneficial business practices.
Second Green Business Half Day Seminar - Wednesday, October 12, 2011:

8:00 Continental Breakfast, networking and visiting vendors
8:30 Welcome Address: County Executive
8:45 Legat Architechs: Innovative Design
(Learn about JJC's geothermal innovations, saving up to 80% of HVAC costs)
9:15 Martin Whalen Office Solutions: Office Equipment Energy Savings
(Switching one copier to an energy efficient model can save up to $174 annually)
9:45 Vendor Introductions
10:00 Johansen & Anderson: Energy Improvements
(tips the will prolong the life of equiptment, save energy and save money)
10:30 Vintage Tech: Computer & Electronic Recycling for Business
(CEO Karrie Gibson offered security tips and recycling options)
10:30 Vintage Tech: Computer & Electronic Recycling for Business
(CEO Karrie Gibson offers data security tips and recycling options)
11:00 InterfaceFlor: Flooring Options that Save
(Modular carpet with recycled content or from sustainable materials saves)
11:30 Panduit: A LEED Gold Building with efficient features any business can adapt
(World Headquarters in Tinley Park includes bioswales, gray water, lighting and much more)
12:00 Network with Vendors and optional tour of JJC newest LEED certified energy efficient building
To View Presentations, please click on any of those provided:

Exhibitors at the Fall 2011 Event:
First Green Business Half Day Seminar - Tuesday, May 10, 2011:
8:00 Continental Breakfast, networking and visiting vendors
8:30 Welcome Address: County Executive
9:00 Nicor: Rebates for Your Business
9:30 ComEd: Rebates for Your Business
10:00 Chicagoland Roofing Council: Roofing Options that Save Energy
10:30 SEDAC (Smart Energy Design Assistance Center): Free Energy Audits
11:00 Siemens: Performance-Based Contracting
11:30 Denny's: How a Joliet Restaurant saves energy & money
12:00 Network with Vendors
To View Past Presentations, please click on any of those provided:

List of Exhibitors that attended the May 2011 inaugural event: