Cool Roof
Will County Emco Building Cool Roof Project
In 2010, Will County used EECBG funds and county budgeted monies to pay for the removal of the existing roofs of the Emco building. This project, covering two separate roof tops, involved the removal of decades old roofing materials and the application of six to eight inches of insulation. The roof was covered with a white color material to reflect
light. Both the light color and the upgraded insulation save energy. The light coloring reflects the sun in the warm months, lowering air conditioning costs significantly. The added insulation not only reduces heat absorption from the sun and cool air loss in the summer, but it also greatly enhances the building's ability to retain heated air in the winter.
The construction phase of this project began in September with the tearing off of the old roof, where a leak was found and fixed. More information will be offered on this project as it becomes available.
Projected Cost $382,850
Energy Used in 2009: 1,483,831 kWh
Energy Used in 2010: 1,395,629 kWh
First 7 months of 2011: 856,504 kWh