Activities and Ideas
Activities and ideas for fulfilling your EarthFlag requirements
You always use both sides of the paper. Setting up a classroom presentation with Will County is easy. But what other environmental activities can you implement in your school? Here are just a few:
Terracycle creates free collection programs that pay schools and non-profits nationwide to collect used packaging such as drink pouches, energy bar wrappers, yogurt cups, cookie wrappers, chip bags and more! The collected materials are recycled into affordable, high quality products ranging from tote bags and purses to shower curtains and kites.
Crazy Crayons Recycling
The crayon recycling program takes unwanted, rejected, broken crayons to a better place, where they’ll be recycled into fresh, new crayons. Please be advised that shipping costs are not included.
Will County Green Vermi-Composting Bins 
Will County Land Use will provide vermicomposting materials and instruction for classroom teachers. Grant will consist of personal delivery and brief instruction on:
- One ready-to-start vermicomposting bin
- One pound of red wiggler worms and bin bedding
- Recommended vermicomposting book Worms Eat My Garbage by Mary Appelhof (possibly in library)