Community Green Groups
A variety of green groups have sprung up throughout Will County initiating green actions in their communities, fostering educational opportunities, improving understanding and enhancing communication between business, government and citizens. Will County representative from several departments have attended meetings, provided information and successfully worked on specific projects promoting green groups over the years, in order to increase public awareness of county based groups.
Will County has also acted in a partnership role with several organizations. Examples of these partnerships include:
- Holding a medication take-back event and a household hazardous waste collection in conjunction with the New Lenox Sharefest.
- Holding an electronics collection event in conjunction with the GR2010, GR2011, GR2012, sustainability fair in Joliet.
- Holding an electronics collection event in conjunction with the Conservation Plainfield's Clean Up Week.
In addition, the Resource Recovery and Energy Division has participated in Community Environmental Fairs and Health Fairs, providing a booth with information and handouts. We have promoted the Joliet/Will County Project Pride Classroom Worm Bin project in our school newsletter and presented information to the Cool Joliet group on our many green initiatives. If we have missed a group in our listing, please let us know. If you have an interest in being more green, working with others who share similar interests, consider attending a meeting to learn about a group in your area or forming a new group.